Day Two Completed

Another day has gone by where I was able to follow the challenge and complete day two. I drank all the water I needed to drink, ate all good foods and I walked for 25 minutes and I am feeling great (tired right now) today!

I know the first few days are the easiest days to get things done – it’s the week after were the body starts to crave the junk food, fast food, but I am determined to not give in and make it through rest of the month. I am practicing now saying to myself, “No, there is no need to go eat that!” “No, I do not need to stop and get food on the way home, there is food there I can cook and prepare myself!” In essence, I am getting myself psyched up and ready for the temptations – if they come.

Thanks for listening and for urging me on.

Note: the picture you see today is my view of where I had lunch today, I had a little bird sitting there the entire time keeping me company.
  1. Keep moving along! You are doing great.

    For me, the first few days are actually the trickiest, and then after a week or so my body gets into the groove and starts craving water more and wanting less sweets. However, the key is to stay on top of it, but you got it 🙂 !!

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