Day Nineteen – Unassuming ‘Things’

To tell you the truth I didn’t really know how day 18 was going to go since I was going to be driving for a good distance as I was going out of town for the weekend. I can report it was a great success. I even went out to eat at a restaurant for the first time since starting this challenge. I must say I did a really good job with staying on my challenge! Another gold star!

I will continue moving forward today with my ‘eat clean’ challenge (one day at a time). I thank all those who’ve helped me and are continuing to help me, so again Thank You!

Unassuming ‘Things’

I know today’s picture ‘may not’ have anything to do with my challenge – but if you sit back and think about it – it does. What are sound mixers for? To turn up the voices (or sounds, music, etc.) we need to hear better or clearer and turn down the voices we don’t need to hear. Just as with the ‘eat clean’ challenge – I can hear and make louder the voices that I am doing it, great job, keep it up, etc. and I can turn down or off the voices that would deny me from achieving my challenge, my goal! Everything in life, no matter how small it may seem, can and will impact you one way or another. Be alert to your surroundings – open the mind – see things in a different light – learn to love life, learn to embrace life no matter what it brings you!

Till tomorrow – Write down a couple of ‘things’ you own and think ‘outside the box’ of other ways they can fit into your life! Make them have meaning to you in your life.
(if you are not able to think of anything ask me for an example in the comments)

  1. Love your analogy. Now every time I tune out negative voices I will see the sound board.
    Stairs are an everyday thing in my life. I climb up to reach higher and go farther. I walk down to continue exploring my world and being in charge of who I am.

    1. Thanks! Also, about the stairs is awesome. Always keep an open mind – no matter how small it my be! One will never know.

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