The Seventeenth Day – Going Onward

I awake from a dream – not able to remember what it was about already but that it was not a good dream. The time is now 4:53 AM. It’s dark in the room. I’m now wide awake! I get up, turn on the lights and drink some water. Now I am fully wide awake if I was not just moments ago!

I head to my computer and check emails – nothing to exciting! I think to myself I can go back to bed or do something else.

I then change from my sleeping clothes to my walking clothes – put on my walking shoes and head out for a nice early morning walk. I walk outside and I’m welcomed by the nice coolness of the morning air. I hear traffic in the far distance and think to myself, “It’s Saturday morning, shouldn’t those people be sleeping in today? Well I’m obviously not!”

I warm up jumping in place, stretching and especially by doing the calf stretching. I look at the time as I start out my early morning walk and see the time is now 5:24 AM. I think to myself that I will keep it a short walk, 15 – 20 minutes. I continue walking, all I hear are the cars in the distance traveling fast, going where they need to go in such a hurry. I think of life and how we all seem to doing things in a hurry all the time. Even now I am walking faster than when I first started walking – I tell myself to slow down for the first 5 – 10 minutes, walk slowly, build up your walk. I think about the projects I am working on and what is left to be done. I plan out my day. I’ve now walked through the neighborhood and start going a second round since I am feeling great.

Before to long I look at clock and see the time is now 5:48 and I am nowhere close to home, I turn around and start heading back. it takes me another 10 minutes to get back home. I ended up walking for 34 minutes and walked 1.31 miles. I was not walking for distance this morning or for speed!

I get back home and cool down. I get ready for the day. After this I say my morning prayers, do my morning scripture studying followed by 30 minutes of meditation. The time is now 7:19 AM.

I have breakfast and then head out to go to work in the office. On the way to work I get a call so I talk then head into the office at 7:48 AM.

Going Onward

Today was a good day, I got up early, as you were able to read, I followed my challenge (again I can do much better with the water drinking over the weekends). I than had a busy Saturday but I was able to be good by eating clean, getting my exercise in and also my workout.

I continue to move forward with my “The Body Reboot” challenge. I continue to find myself opening new doors to life as I continue to stick with my challenge in becoming healthy. I need to be careful not to overwhelm myself with all the things that are happening and get carried away with all these things I really want to go do! I find myself writing down all the things I would like to accomplish and prioritizing the ones that are important here and now.

I go now but will write more at a later time. Till then I encourage you write down all you want to get out of life. Organize this list then start making your list happen. I know you can do it! You only need to trust in yourself and know you too can do it.

Note: The picture shown is from the northern part of Kauai island, the volcanic rock as the sea water dances/plays on and around this part of the island.
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